Mounting ISO images with fuseiso

17 Sep 2013

ISO images are pretty handy for carting around collections of data such as installers and the like. But getting one mounted without having root powers on a Linux box is kind of a pain. Fuseiso comes to the rescue, making it really easy.

This tip is pretty much a duplicate of the advice available in this Ubuntu community page, under the “as a regular user” section.

Installing fuseiso

It’s actually very simple on Ubuntu 12.04 and later: apt-get install fuseiso will do the trick. Of course, you have to have the powers to install packages, which might seem like a problem if the reason you’re installing it in the first place is because you don’t have the power to mount loop devices. But there’s other reasons to use it besides Sticking It to The Man.

For one thing, one doesn’t have to worry about setting up loop devices, futzing with fstab or any of that. All that’s necessary is to use two simple commands.

Mounting an ISO

To mount the ISO (once fuseiso is installed), you need an empty directory for the ISO to be mounted on (that is, to become the ”mount point’.) It doesn’t have to be anywhere special–it can be in your home directory or whatever. I frequently use such lazy shortcuts as ~/m (a directory named “m” inside my home directory.) So make one, or find one, and then type:

fuseiso /path/to/fabulous-shiny-toy.iso /path/to/mount/point


Unmounting the ISO

When you’re done, just type:

$ fusermount -u /path/to/mount/point

And–that’s all there is to it. You can now delete the ISO and/or the mount point directory if you don’t need them anymore.